“1987 Film Based on Cyrano de Bergerac” Crossword Clue Answer

In the world of crossword puzzles, clues often serve as intriguing gateways to exploring various cultural artifacts, including films that have left a lasting impact on audiences. One such cinematic gem is the 1987 film “Roxanne,” a delightful comedy that stands as a testament to the timeless appeal of Edmund Rostand’s 1897 play “Cyrano de Bergerac.” This article delves into the intricate details of the film, examining its origins, its alignment with the source material, and the reasons behind its enduring popularity.

1987 film based on cyrano de bergerac
Image by gepharts3d from Pixabay

The Genesis of Roxanne: A Modern Spin on a Classic Tale

The roots of “Roxanne” lie deeply embedded in the rich soil of literary history. Edmund Rostand’s “Cyrano de Bergerac,” a play set in 17th-century France, explores themes of unrequited love, selflessness, and the power of inner beauty. The brilliance of the 1987 film adaptation, directed by Fred Schepisi and starring Steve Martin, lies in its ability to transpose this timeless tale into a modern context, captivating audiences with its wit, humor, and heartfelt emotion.

Roxanne: A Synopsis of Wit and Romance

“Roxanne” centers around C.D. Bales, played by Steve Martin, a big-hearted, large-nosed fire chief in a small town. Drawing inspiration from Cyrano de Bergerac, C.D. finds himself deeply enamored with Roxanne Kowalski, a beautiful astronomer portrayed by Daryl Hannah. However, C.D.’s self-perceived physical shortcomings lead him to believe that he can never win Roxanne’s love. The film takes a delightful turn when C.D. assists a tongue-tied suitor, Chris McConnell, played by Rick Rossovich, in expressing his feelings to Roxanne. The ensuing romantic entanglements, coupled with C.D.’s humorous endeavors, form the crux of the story.

The Allure of Steve Martin: A Perfect Cyrano

Steve Martin’s portrayal of C.D. Bales is nothing short of masterful. His impeccable comic timing and genuine emotional depth breathe life into the character, making C.D. a relatable and endearing figure. Martin’s adaptation of Cyrano’s eloquence into a more modern, accessible form of humor resonates with audiences, bridging the gap between centuries and cultures. Through his performance, Martin not only pays homage to Rostand’s original creation but also adds a unique, contemporary flair to the character of Cyrano de Bergerac.

The Parallels with Cyrano de Bergerac

While “Roxanne” takes liberties with the source material to suit its modern setting, the film remains remarkably faithful to the spirit of Cyrano de Bergerac. The essence of unrequited love, the pain of hidden emotions, and the enduring power of intellect over superficial beauty are themes that persist in both the play and its cinematic adaptation. The heartfelt letters, the poetic gestures, and the poignant moments of self-reflection echo the sentiments of Rostand’s original work, demonstrating the enduring relevance of Cyrano’s story.

Critical Acclaim and Audience Reception

Upon its release, “Roxanne” received widespread critical acclaim, with particular praise directed towards Steve Martin’s performance and the film’s ability to balance humor and heartfelt emotion. Audiences were enamored with the film’s charm, finding solace in its romantic narrative and witty dialogues. The film’s enduring popularity can be attributed to its ability to evoke genuine emotions while also eliciting laughter, creating a cinematic experience that lingers in the hearts of viewers long after the credits roll.

Legacy and Cultural Impact

“Roxanne” has carved a special place for itself in the annals of cinema, becoming a beloved classic that continues to enchant new generations of viewers. Its influence can be observed in subsequent adaptations and retellings of Cyrano de Bergerac’s story, showcasing the enduring impact of this modern interpretation. The film’s legacy also extends to the realm of popular culture, with references to its iconic scenes and dialogues permeating various media, further solidifying its status as a cultural touchstone.


In the realm of crossword puzzles, the clue “1987 film based on Cyrano de Bergerac” serves as a gateway to a cinematic masterpiece: “Roxanne.” Through its witty humor, heartfelt romance, and timeless themes, the film captures the essence of Edmund Rostand’s classic play while adding a contemporary twist that resonates with audiences across generations. Steve Martin’s exceptional portrayal of C.D. Bales embodies the spirit of Cyrano de Bergerac, captivating viewers with his charm, wit, and vulnerability.

As we unravel the layers of “Roxanne,” we find a narrative that transcends time and culture, reminding us of the enduring power of love, intellect, and inner beauty. The film’s ability to bridge the gap between centuries, while maintaining the essence of Rostand’s original work, cements its status as a cinematic treasure. So, the next time you encounter the crossword clue “1987 film based on Cyrano de Bergerac,” remember the enduring legacy of “Roxanne,” a film that continues to enchant and inspire audiences, proving that love, in all its forms, is truly timeless.

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